Christmas in a Box
Christmas in a Box is a simple, creative and fun way for churches to share the Christmas story with their local schools.
Christmas in a Box
Christmas in a Box is a simple, creative, and fun way for churches to share the Christmas story with their local schools.
What is it?
Children unpack 6 boxes, each telling a part of the Christmas story. There is space to pause and wonder, plus a creative activity which facilitates reflection and discussion. For more information, check out our video.
Free Resources
Our User Guide tells you all you need to know about Christmas in a Box, including how to host a session. This and the other downloadable resources you need are all free*. Just fill in the form below to create an account.
We are dependent on donations.
We will be running online training sessions in October. Click here for more information and to book your place. If you can’t make any of these dates:
Check out our 3-minute training video and our comprehensive 1-hour training video which are available on our YouTube channel.
What are people saying about Christmas in a Box?
Christmas in a Box launched in 2020 and was enjoyed by many children across Bristol and beyond. Here are some of the comments we received from teachers, church workers, volunteers and children:

How can we help?
We love to see churches serving their local schools through deepening relationships. Hosting a Christmas in a Box session is one of the ways churches can do this. We would love to hear from you if you would like any support in hosting Christmas in a Box in school, or in anything related to building a connection with your local school. We work mainly with churches in the Bristol region.
We welcome donations
We do not charge for our Christmas in a Box resources, training and services. However we welcome donations from churches and individuals towards the cost of our work. A gift of £300 enables us to provide a church with a set of boxes. A gift of £70 enables us to provide a set of resources for a class. Visit our online CAF Giving page.